
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Our heart is restless

St.Augustine said,"our heart is restless until we rest in you." For Augustine, the heart is a metaphor for all that is deepest, truest and personal in one's self. The heart signifies the affective aspect of faith in God. As a young man, Augustine pursued a long and painful search for truth that he hoped would provide him with rest. In his conversion at the age of 33, he felt his innermost heart lovingly spoken to by the word of God. He wrote,"The words of your scripture knocked at the door of my heart.""You have pierced out hearts with the arrow of your love, and our minds were pierced with the arrows of your words." From the spirituality of St. Augustine, we learn three things about how to have rest in God.
1. Constant attention to the word of God. "Faith comes by hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ."(Romans 10:17) Each time we hear or read God's word, we are feeding our faith in God.
2. Faith in God and rest in heart. Realized that every believer has been given a measure of faith by God (Roman 12:3), we just have to use our faith. The more we use it, the more our faith grow.
3 Stay in touch with the people of faith. Augustine greatly valued relationship with others. He was a man of wisdom and of faith. People like to connect to Augustine because he reached out to people and blessed them. He was in turn beloved and appreciated by them. "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffer harm." (Proverb 13:20)
"And the peace of God, which transcend all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:7)

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